Friday, February 24, 2017

Winter 2016 to 2017

The Boat is on the Hard with its cover on.
The cover is on tight

Checking out the Saildrive and Prop

Inside "The Tent"

Additional winter pictures of Calypso in the winter of 2016

Getting Across on the Ferry

Coming into Port Jefferson Harbor

In Port Jefferson Harbor

Here is a list of the Work Completed over the Winter of 2016 to 2017

I will be updating this post once winter turns into early spring and the yard and I can start working down the list some more.

During the late fall some work got done on Calypso including:

Repaired Forward Hatch: The large forward hatch (shown opened in the following picture) was leaking badly, enabling mildew to form on the mattress below it; not a good thing, as the mattress is a "tempur pedic" style foam mattress.  The yard's personnel were able to find the leak and repair the hatch.  Now I will need to check it this coming season, but I expect that they have repaired it and it won't leak...they have been very good with all of their previous work.
The Forward Hatch in the open position

Repaired rotting walls:  Once we found the leaks in the cooling system and after I watched the base of the bulkhead not fill with water over most of the summer, Mike and I started to repair the damage.  As shown below.

The Wall into the Head before
The Wall into the Head After
Rotted Wall Base

Detail of rotted area in the Wall
Reconstructed Wall Base
Acquired Mattress pads for cabins: Given the quality of the mattresses on the boat and the fact that they were getting continually more soiled, I decided to protect them with mattress pads that could be taken off and washed.

Getting Mast Lights working: Since I've had the boat all or half of the navigation lights on the boat's mast have not worked.  The yard tells me that they now have almost all of them working.

Tighten Keel Bolts: On the C&C 121's the keel is bolted onto the hull.  Many boats are constructed this way.  Occasionally, these bolts have to be tightened.  I had to have it done twice on Starwood in the 20 years I had the boat.

Repaired Radar: Getting and keeping the radar working has seemed to be a constant repair job in 2016, after not having any problems before that.  Cliff, the electrician, found that a wire had been crimped and that knocked the radar out this last time--more learning for me.

I will update this as we get further into the work in the Spring